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PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are a popular non-surgical treatment used in cosmetic medicine to lift and tighten sagging skin.


Here are some benefits of PDO threads: 

  • Non-surgical: PDO threads offer a non-surgical alternative to facelifts or other invasive procedures. They can provide a noticeable lift and rejuvenation without the need for incisions or general anesthesia. 

  •  Immediate results: The effects of PDO threads are visible immediately after the treatment. The threads lift and reposition sagging skin, providing an instant improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin. 

  •  Collagen stimulation: PDO threads stimulate the production of collagen in the treated areas. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. By promoting collagen synthesis, PDO threads help improve skin texture, firmness, and overall quality. 

  •  Long-lasting results: The lifting effect of PDO threads can last for several months to over a year. Over time, the threads are absorbed by the body, but the collagen production stimulated by the threads can continue to improve the skin's appearance even after the threads have dissolved. 

  •  Versatility: PDO threads can be used to treat various areas of the face and body, including the cheeks, jawline, neck, and even the buttocks or abdomen. They can address specific concerns such as jowls, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and loose skin in different areas. 

  •  Minimal downtime: PDO thread treatments typically involve minimal downtime compared to surgical procedures. Most people can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment, although some temporary side effects like swelling or bruising may occur. 

  •  Customizable treatment: PDO threads come in different lengths, thicknesses, and configurations, allowing for a customized treatment based on individual needs. The threads can be placed in specific patterns to target specific areas and achieve the desired lifting and tightening effects. 


It's important to note that the suitability and effectiveness of PDO threads may vary depending on individual factors. A full consultation will be given before commencing any treatment. Results can last from 1 to as many as 3 years.

Prices start from £350

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