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Muscle-relaxing neurotoxin is extremely effective when dealing with the aches and pains that come along with stress. When tension and stress build in the neck, our muscles may begin to feel tight or achy. Neck pain may also spread to the shoulders. Tension in the trapezius muscle is quite common in people who work with their hands and basically anyone who sits in front of a computer. Stress, of course, causes a generalized muscle tightening and creates a negative feedback loop. 


By strategically placing neuromodulators into the muscles of the neck, shoulder and even the scalp, you can alleviate the muscular tension, constriction, and pain. Injecting in the trapezius muscles will help with back and neck pain due to tight muscles. It also has the added benefit of really helping to straighten your posture. 


Neurotoxin in the shoulders can lead to an improved posture due to the elimination of stress-induced pain or anxiety. As we experience pain, we often adjust the way we stand, move, or otherwise navigate the world. This compensation, while meant to alleviate pain, can make things worse, as we tend to excessively rely on certain muscle groups over others. 


There are minimal risks to this procedure, no down time and treatment lasts around 4 to 6 months. 


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